📣💬 PLEASE NOTE: This overview was last updated at the end of May 2022 and is not up to date anymore. Welcome to a quick overview of the most helpful sites from the last two months of volunteer work! With a focus on Vienna. Please be mindful of who might not have this information yet, and share it around! Extra tip if in Vienna: pay a visit to the Caritas-infopoint at the main station (& additionally the arrival centre) if you need info, and get the latest flyers. Please note that some of the other non-official sites out there can contain outdated information.
Because information is a human right.
Disclaimer: please note that this is a private initiative to best of my knowledge – from Hauptbahnhof, arrival centre, Austria Centre & other translation help. Read the sites 🙂
👀📍 IMPORTANT: Need someone to help you by translating at a specific appointment? You can get help. Submit your request via this form: https://bit.ly/potribenpereklad If you want to take up a request join this group – it wants more people, the more the merrier, so make this BIG:
👉✨ https://bit.ly/fwdmat
#1 – Mega-site with lots of helpful, crowd-sourced info. It lacks some of the official info but includes everything from platforms for jobs and where to find apartments to rent, to Ukrainian-speaking doctors!, inofficial German courses, links to official platforms & addresses. Please refer first to the official government links below and the Caritas sight, this one I find best for those helpful bits named above & the links to the social media groups to join 🙂 And you can propose for more info to be added by writing to info@helpforukraine.at! PS: some of the featured opportunities/contacts, not only on this site, can be overcrowded or not available on any given day. For example, if you need help for your four-legged friend & the site isn’t helpful search for other normal veterinaries online, or go to one and ask about special support for Ukrainians.
👉✨ https://helpforukraine.at/
#2 – Österreichischer Integrationsfonds (The Austrian Integration Fund) has it all.With info on everything from legal basics, to your steps towards a ÖIF German course, studying, labor law, psychological help etc. Info available in Ukrainian and German. For a German course you can directly check this page (and fill a form for the first registration, dependent on the region you’re in; the ÖIF is currently swamped with requests).
👉✨ https://www.integrationsfonds.at/ukraine/ua
#3 – “Everyone knows this” – almost, just many people who just arrived don’t. This is the main site of the city of Vienna for Ukrainians. Please note that it’s very incomplete in terms of the help that it’s supposedly offering (see the different sections), but it’s the basis for all official info on Grundversorgung & Co. New: the WienBot answering questions about life in Vienna. A helpful, additional resource to discover information.
👉✨ https://start.wien.gv.at/ukraine/de
New consultation & support services in Vienna – any experiences are welcome:
– Diakonie: Beratungszentrum Ukraine/КОНСУЛЬТАЦІЙНИЙ ЦЕНТР ДЛЯ УКРАЇНЦІВ – download the infosheet online! (it’s still messy, but potentially helpful – with consultants on different topics)
– Samariterbund: Sozialberatung für Schutzsuchende aus der Ukraine/Соціальні консультації для осіб з України потребуючих захисту (since 17 May)
https://www.diakonie.at/unsere-angebote-und-einrichtungen/beratungszentrum-ukraine + https://www.samariterbund.net/landesverband-wien/ukraine/sozialberatung//
PS: This is the general Caritas info hotline: +43 5 17 76 380 (Mo-Fr 9-16h). For people who need help and people who help. The Diakonie is active in several different roles; in the Austria Centre it can be asked about support on accomodation if nothing else is available. The arrival centre is the place to request urgent accomodation for the night & long-term distribution to the region from the same day (bring your luggage).
#4 – Overview site of the Caritas – this should be so much better known. Includes everything from humanitarian help/packages! (yes, also the Le+O you’ve heard about; it’s pretty calm there, so get your packages) and free warm food in Vienna to clothes, culture, transport & language learning pdfs. And of course links to plenty of other official sites. In German, Ukrainian or Russian.
👉✨ https://www.caritas.at/spenden-helfen/auslandshilfe/katastrophenhilfe/laender-brennpunkte/ukraine#c117069
#5 Overview google document for Ukrainians in Vienna & Austria. Has been around since the early days, in Ukrainian,“Українці у Відні та Австрії. Що рибити? Як отримати допомогу?” I usually send this around as an extra resource, for the cases in which you need a quick overview (also includes eg the process towards a German course) and the above links don’t fit.
#6 – Labour market in Austria, official site by the Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS). In Ukrainian, English, Russian & German. Better bring an interpreter to your appointments there btw if you don’t speak German/English or have them connect via phone. If you’re looking for jobs on your own, then check the resources from helpforukraine.at mentioned in the first point, here a platform by the female factor. In any case go register at the AMS office (based on your address, see website) in person and bring a translator! Translation via phone is not possible due to data protection reasons. The AMS is responsible for the formal registration, everything else is outsourced to an external consultation centre. See section on how to get a translator below!
👉✨ https://www.ams.at/arbeitsuchende/arbeiten-in-oesterreich-und-der-eu/ukraine
#7 – Psychiatric/psychosocial help in Vienna, on the website of Psychosoziale Dienste Wien. Download the pdf(s) for addresses where you can go! (in Ukrainian, English, German)
Also: Other psychological help is offered by NEDA Ukraine, for Ukrainians receiving Grundversorgung (Базова допомога): Flyers in Ukrainian, Russian, German They have years of experience in the consultation of people who had to flee from conflict. You can also try phoning HEMAYAT – Betreuungszentrum für Folter- und Kriegsüberlebende (Support centre for survivors of torture & war; link to site in Russian). See image gallery above for more options.
👉✨ https://psd-wien.at/
#8 Looking for a German course? Please go back up to the ÖIF link. After reaching out to the ÖIF (Austrian Integration Fund) you’ll have organise a German course yourself at one of the language schools in the city (unless you’re part of some programme and have other information).
#9 – Calendar for all Ukraine-related events in Vienna:
👉✨ https://pryvit.at/
#10 – And another site, for Ukrainian life in Austria and upcoming events (I find the calendar less comprehensive than the one above).
👉✨ https://storinka.at/
#11 You need clothes, household goods or second hand stuff? And have already checked the Caritas Link? Get them super cheap at some shops of the humanitarian organisation Volkshilfe: Modecenterstraße 10 (3.Bezirk), Scheydgasse 21-25 (21.Bezirk), Berggasse 20 (9. Bezirk), Thaliastraße 130 (16. Bezirk), Laxenburgerstraße 49-57 (10. Bezirk). MONDAY – FRIDAY 10-18:00. Another option is the Social Bazar by House of Hope, open to all refugees, at the address In der Wiesen 6, 1230 Wien. Open on Wedn 4-6pm, and Sun 11am-2pm.
Where to get cheap food – in Vienna and beyond – if you run out of options above:
– Too Good To Go – download the app via the website to save food that would otherwise go to waste. Food packages from the supermarket chains Spar & Hofer, especially outside of the city centre, are recommended. Also bread products from many Turkish bakeries around Vienna, in good quantity
– Buy vegetables & other products in markets not supermarkets. Go towards the end of the day for less choice but cheaper or sometimes even free goods, try to negotiate. Recommend: Brunnenmarkt (16. district), Meiselmarkt (15. district).
– 4.5 kg boxes of fruit & vegetables for a fixed price of 3€ in the supermarket chain Lidl (source), similar actions to be checked
– Lebensmittelrettung Österreich (“food savers Austria”, link to their Facebook) & their 8 FOODPOINT places across Vienna, offering food for a small service charge
– Sozialmärkte (social markets) – info in Ukrainian below, addresses here.
– The arrival centre is now a bit of a meeting place for coffee, breakfast, warm meals. Keep that in mind as a last resort.
– Warm meals for Ukrainians by the Caritas – info here, extension for June to be checked (update: see image below!).
– Very advanced info: you can register on “Foodsharing” and save food yourself, keeping what you need and bringing the rest to the Fairteiler places/fridges
These are some examples, no guarantee for the info.
(Social markets, addition)- Хто може робити покупки?
📌люди з низькими доходами та студенти (Індивідуальний дохід чистий до 1259 євро, на дитину плюс €377)
Що потрібно для покупок?
👤Студентський квиток або документ, що підтверджує доходи (довідка AMS, платіжний лист, свідоцтво про пенсію, соціальний або мобільний паспорт), реєстраційна форма та посвідчення особи з фотографією
💳 Отримати торгову картку можна прямо в соцмаркеті.
🛒 Ви можете робити покупки максимум за 35 євро на тиждень.
📆 ПН-ПТ (крім святкових днів) з 10:00 до 14:30
#12 Do you want to make new friends in Vienna, whether you are a Ukrainian who landed here or a local? Then sign up for the Vienna Dinner Friends, to spend an evening (or day) together and create meaningful connections:
👉✨ https://dinner-friends.carrd.co/
#13 – Facebook groups like “Ukrainische Jugend in Österreich / Товариство української молоді в Австрії” https://www.facebook.com/groups/tuma.austria & “Українці в Австрії – Ukrainer in Österreich – Ukrainians in Austria”
👉✨ https://www.facebook.com/groups/ukrainiansinaustria/
#14 Telegram groups, like..there are too many, any they are chaotic & exhausting. Please first refer to any official links first. But get any more informal help by searching in groups & find out about current things happening 🙂 Key examples: Here a big mutual help group https://t.me/+d1LoMBNWH3M1YTUy & here a big jobs group https://t.me/+FGMTtI-m3IJlY2Vk. Ukrainians in Austria also has a Telegram group https://t.me/austriaua. Aaand a smaller buddy support group, for Ukrainians & locals (which is looking for people to coordinate & grow it!):
👉✨ https://t.me/+PnBMGNh2BJkwM2M0
#15 Organisations in Vienna to follow on Instagram (or Facebook): @unlimiteddemocracy, @tumaaustria, @barbareum, @youkraine.at, for demonstrations, events, humanitarian help to Ukraine. @olyalucic for the centre for mothers and children. And @trainofhope, @caritaswirhelfen, @houseofhope etc especially for those who want to help. If you have unused art supplies you can bring them to Freiraum Ukraine in MQ Wien, more at @office.ukraine.
