
“Little suns bridging the worldwide sea” (2021)

oil on canvas

I believe in creativity.

Using the power of communication and the arts to create social impact in a radically new, interdisciplanary way. Building connection.

It’s nice you found your way here. Welcome! I’m Adriana, a 26-year-old Russian-Italian communications leader, artist and coach with a degree in Environmental Management and extensive experience across the non-profit, youth and innovation sectors. As of September 2023, I’m a Certified Trauma-Informed Coach, having completed an in-depth program by the Canadian professional coaching company Moving The Human Spirit, accredited by the International Cooaching Federation (ICF). I’m now aiming at ICF-accreditation myself, while simultaneously driving further research and building my own trauma-informed and neuro-inclusive coaching approach. 

I love great communication — weaving in the best-practises of famous writers, lots of vision and the latest tools. As a comms professional, I build clear messages, content across platforms, designs, strategies, processes & more. Helping the non-comms-crowd understand the work, stay on brand and write better texts themselves. As a writer, I find words, package them and set them free to never take them back. As a visual artist, I hope to inspire you to notice, value and make art yourself. As a leader, I lead teams to higher impact and love having coaching conversations. As a human, I lost my mum at age 25 and remain committed to being there for everyone with a similar loss & grief story. I also know quite a bit about showing up, caregiving and persevering when life doesn’t get any easier. Till today. This site will remain a work in progress.

Enjoy, learn something new and reach out! If you want to read some of my shorter writings, then head straight over to the blog or my LinkedIn. Or meet me in Vienna, Austria (& around Europe). 

This is Adriana, in the present tense:

- writing a book
- diving into psychology, neuroscience & Co.
- coaching the trauma-informed way
- leading a communications team
- doing comms work
- connecting through grief


POWER IN visuals.

soul in words.

reach out to say hey!

Layer by layer, a painting is born.